Basic Google AdMob Demo with Home Screen, Basic Level Menu, Local Storage, Win & Lose Scenarios C3

Construct 3 Google AdMod

Download at the Bottom.

This is like the Basic Game Demo, but with Ads. I added AdMob, a time scenario and a few reward coins to the original demo.

So if you want coins you can watch an ad or if you run out of lives you can watch an ad and there are ads running at the bottom. After a few levels it will give you an ad before each level. You can switch it up however you like.

Some Hints:
First, you need to create your ads using Google AdMob. Before you create the ads, you need to have an account. If you don’t have an AdMob account, create one. It does take a little bit to be approved. It helps if you already have a website running Googles ads, but even if you don’t, apply anyway, the worst they can say is no.

Go into your Google AdMob account and create your ads.
Each time you create an add you should take both sets of numbers and store them in NotePad or what not just for safe keeping – you’re going to need them later.

Construct 3 Google AdMod

Next add the object Mobile Advert to your game.

Construct 3 Google AdMod

The first number you get when you create an ad is going to be the same for the entire group (But just that group) I call that an ad unit, I think it’s actually call the APP ID.
Paste that number into the Android Application ID.

It’s the string of numbers divided by a ~ ca-app-pub-YourPubNumberHere~AdUnitNumberHere

Construct 3 Google AdMod

The bottom numbers you get when you create each ad, I call them the Ad Numbers, that group of numbers goes into to activate the ad. I have this demo setup to create the ads on start of layout, but not to show them until prompted.

Construct 3 Google AdMod

Then trigger the ads when you want them.

Construct 3 Google AdMod

Construct 3 Google AdMod

……. and that’s pretty much it. As setups go, this is one of the easiest things Construct 3 has concocted.

Ads Only Show Up Once You Have Compiled the Game Into An APK! (Or whatever iThinks are called)
You will NOT see the ads in the Remove Preview. You MUST make the game into an APK first and upload it to an Android Device to see the ads.

Mobile Advert is pre-set in Test Mode! While you are building your game and testing it on your phone, stay in Test Mode. If you accidentally click your own ‘Live’ ads Google will suspend your account! I don’t know of anyone who was ever penalized for clicking the ‘test ads’ so stay there until you are ready to release your game.
Once your game is complete and you are ready to upload to Google Play, then and Only Then should you uncheck the test mode box.

Construct 3 Google AdMod

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